Carbon Footprint Road Map

Carbon Footprint Road Map: Pilot Italia's Journey Toward
a Responsible Future

Climate change poses a global challenge with significant impacts on people, businesses, and the ecosystems we depend on.

Pilot Italia recognizes the urgency of taking action to prevent further consequences and is committed to actively supporting global goals—halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050—in collaboration with Innova MCA.

As a concrete first step, the company has undertaken a precise measurement of its Carbon Footprint, laying the foundation for targeted and credible actions.

Using the Business Carbon Calculator by Normative, provided by the SME Climate Hub1, Pilot Italia quantified its direct and indirect emissions according to the three scopes defined by the GHG Protocol:

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions generated by business activities.
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions from energy consumption.
  • Scope 3: Indirect emissions along the value chain.

The year 2023 was selected as the baseline year to monitor future progress. During this period, the company generated a total of 19,100 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions.

Scope 1: Direct Emissions

Direct emissions originate from activities under Pilot Italia’s direct control. In 2023, these amounted to 34.2 tons of CO2eq, representing a small share of the overall total.

Scope 2: Indirect Emissions from Energy Consumption

Indirect emissions linked to electricity and thermal energy consumption totaled 2,220 tons of CO2eq, reflecting the company’s energy needs and its reliance on energy providers.

Scope 3: Indirect Emissions Along the Value Chain

The majority of Pilot Italia’s emissions fall under Scope 3, amounting to approximately 16,800 tons of CO2 equivalent.
This category includes indirect emissions throughout the value chain, particularly those linked to “Materials/Inventory”, which account for 87% of total emissions and 96.4% of Scope 3 emissions. This encompasses expenditures on paper, cardboard, packaging, and chemical products like paints and adhesives, which are the primary raw materials for the company’s production activities.

Carbon Footprint

Pilot Italia Pilot Italia has embarked on a well-defined journey that involves not only measuring emissions but also identifying concrete strategies to reduce environmental impact, thereby contributing to the creation of a sustainable future for all.

[1] The SME Climate Hub is a global nonprofit initiative that enables small and medium-sized enterprises to take climate action and build resilient businesses for the future (

Our goals

Following a thorough analysis of its emissions and in alignment with international targets, Pilot Italia has outlined a strategic roadmap to achieve short-term (2026), medium-term (2030), and long-term (2050) reduction objectives.

This plan, developed through a series of collaborative workshops involving company leadership, translates into a set of targeted actions and specific goals aimed at significantly reducing the company’s environmental impact.

Our actions

These emissions represent areas where Pilot Italia can intervene directly and immediately to reduce its impact. The defined roadmap includes a series of actions, each with detailed timelines, implementation methods, responsibilities, costs, and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided.

Fleet – Scope 1

  1. Reducing emissions by progressively converting the corporate fleet to low-emission vehicles.
  2. Installing a charging station to support electric or hybrid company vehicles.

Electricity – Scope 2

  1. Procuring electricity from renewable sources through Guarantees of Origin for all processes, buildings, and company sites.
  2. Installing new renewable energy generation systems (RES) to cover 50% of the company’s energy needs.
  3. Continuously monitoring the supply and consumption of renewable energy to ensure long-term effectiveness.
  4. Improving the energy efficiency of production processes and machinery, including the installation of high-efficiency inverters (by 2025), server optimization, and adoption of high-efficiency refrigeration units.
  5. Optimizing energy use in company buildings through digital automation systems based on energy consumption monitoring data.

Value Chain Commitment – Scope 3

Pilot Italia recognizes the complexity of managing Scope 3 emissions, which arise from indirect activities along the value chain. Despite the long-term nature of these objectives, the company has already begun taking significant steps in this area.

Starting in 2024, a Code of Conduct has been introduced, requiring key suppliers to sign and comply with sustainability standards, fostering more responsible practices. This approach aims to create a ripple effect, encouraging virtuous behavior throughout the entire supply chain.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Pilot Italia will periodically monitor absolute emission values and progress across the different scopes (1, 2, and 3) annually. The results will help verify the achievement of objectives and, if necessary, redefine or integrate additional actions to stay aligned with the sustainability path. This dynamic approach ensures that corporate strategies remain effective and focused on achieving set goals.


In a context where sustainability is increasingly central, Pilot Italia considers it essential to share progress in reducing environmental impact with stakeholders.

The measurement of the carbon footprint, following the globally recognized GHG Protocol framework, serves as a key tool to monitor and improve performance in terms of sustainability.

  1. Transparency and Credibility
    Communicating achieved results, methods used, and future goals strengthens corporate transparency.

  2. Stakeholder Engagement
    Sharing progress actively involves stakeholders, encouraging them to contribute to achieving sustainability objectives. Clear data on the carbon footprint helps raise awareness of the importance of collective and synergistic actions.

  3. Alignment with Market and Societal Expectations
    Emission reduction is a global priority. Demonstrating measurable results in line with GHG Protocol standards positions the company as a responsible leader, capable of meeting growing regulatory and societal demands.

  4. Identifying Areas for Improvement
    Sharing data is not just about reporting; it’s also an opportunity to gather valuable feedback. Internal and external stakeholders can contribute ideas and solutions to accelerate decarbonization efforts.

  5. Competitive Advantage
    Transparent and proactive companies addressing sustainability stand out in the market, attracting customers and partners who share the same values.